- Measurement of Current Density Distribution in Electron beam Writer
- Analysis of Electron Current Instability in E-Beam Writer
- Afterglow of YAG:Ce single crystal scintillators for S(T)EM electron detectors
- Electron Beam Micromachining of Plastics
- SEM Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes Based Active Layers of Chemical Sensors
- Měření hmotnosti pomocí elektronového mikroskopu
- Charakterization of Polycaprolactone Films Biodeterioration by Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Possibilities of Using Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy to Study of Human Embryonic Stem Cells
- Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope as a Tool for Imagining of Native State Somatic Embryogenesis
- Comparative Study of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Surface Structure Using SEM and ESEM
- Comparison of Classical SEM and ESEM Protocols for Study of Conofer Embryogenic Tissues with Using Low Temperature Conditions of ESEM
- Native state of extracellular matrix of early conifer embryogenic tissue imagen by environmental scanning electron microscope
- Scanning Low Energy Electron Microscopy for the determination of crystallographic orientation of polycrystalline metal grains
- Variable shaped E-beam writing: proximity effect simulation and correction of Binary and relief structure
- Monte Carlo simulation of proximity efect in E-Beam litography
- Zprávy z pracovních cest KA02
- Heat transfer fuid for optimal year-round operation of solar thermal systems in Central Europe
- Protective coatings against thermal degradation of the metal thin film
- Analysis of gas flow in new systém of aperatures of secondary electron scintillatio detector for ESEM
- Scintillation secondary electron detector for ESEM and SEM
- Optimization of Signal Detection in Scintillation Secondary Electron Detector for ESEM and SEM
- Thermal Analysis for Fire Safety of Lithium-ion Batteries
- Zprávy z pracovních cest KA06